Address Verification Service 🇳🇬

At, our address verification services enable our customers to carry out thorough background checks of their own customers & employees by securely verifying both individual and business addresses.

With our address verification service, you are guaranteed detailed feedback containing images of the customer’s place of residence, consultation with the customer’s neighbor, closest landmark report, street name, and nearest bus stop.

Our Address verification services can be accessed by:
• Companies
• Individuals


The Address Verification Service accepts the lastName, Street name, LGA, phone number, kyc type and searchParameter and returns detailed information on the address verified to the customer's webhook. This article will guide you on how to integrate to the Address Verification Service.



Before you proceed, ensure you review the prerequisites for integrating to our APIs for a more detailed guide.

API Endpoint


Our service accepts headers for authentication. See below the headers to pass to the API

useridStringThis is your user id retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your userid
apiKeyStringThis is your api key retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your apiKey


Request ParameterStatusDescriptionTest Data
firstNameOptionalThe first name will be passed into this fieldJohn
lastNameRequiredThe last name will be passed into this fieldDoe
dobOptionalThe date of birth will be passed into this field04-04-1944
phoneRequiredThe phone number will be passed into this field08121234567
verificationTypeRequiredThis field is used to identify the service being called. Ensure to use the value provided exactly as providedADDRESS-VERIFICATION
kycTypeRequiredThis field depicts the Identity type to be used for the verificationkyc
callbackUrlRequiredThe callback url is inputted here""
searchParameterRequiredThe driver's license number will be passed into this field08121234567
streetRequiredThe street name will be passed into this field270 Murtala Muhammed Way, Alagomeji. Yaba
lgaRequiredThe local government area will be passed into this fieldsurulere
cityOptionalThe city will be passed into this fieldlagos
stateRequiredThe state will be passed into this fieldlagos
landmarkRequiredThe landmark will be passed into this fieldBeside GTbank
    "kycType": "kyc",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "street": "270 Murtala Muhammed Way, Alagomeji. Yaba",
    "lga": "surulere",
    "city": "lagos",
    "state": "lagos",
    "landmark": "Beside GTbank"


Response ParameterTypeDescription
responseCodeStringPlease reference Response Codes page for details on all possible responses.
descriptionStringThis is a description of the response received.
verificationTypeStringThe same verificationType passed in request will be returned here
verificationStatusStringThis field lets you know if the identity verification was successful. Options are:

VERIFIED: This means that the ADDRESS-VERIFICATION is valid.
NOT VERIFIED This means that the ADDRESS-VERIFICATION is invalid
PENDING This status means that the verification could not be completed. Refer to the responseCode for the specific failure reason.
transactionStatusStringThis indicates the wallet debit status. The options are successful or failed.
transactionReferenceStringIf you supplied a transactionReference, the same will be returned here. Else, we would generate a reference and return that to you in this field.
transactionDateStringDate the transaction was done
searchParameterStringDriver's License number used for the address verification
responseJsonThis is a json containing all the actual ADDRESS VERIFICATION data as retrieved from the service provider.
  "responseCode": "00",
  "description": "Success",
  "verificationType": "ADDRESS-VERIFICATION",
  "verificationStatus": "VERIFIED",
  "transactionStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
  "transactionReference": "null",
  "transactionDate": "1669884508175",
  "searchParameter": "PQR41659AA50",
  "livenessScore": 0,
  "response": {
    "applicant": {
      "firstname": "John",
      "lastname": "Doe",
      "phone": "08121234567",
      "idType": "kyc",
      "idNumber": "08121234567",
      "middlename": "BISMARK",
      "photo": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAASABIAAD/"
      "gender": "Male",
      "birthdate": "04-04-1944",
      "formattedAddress": "270 Murtala Muhammed Way, Alagomeji. Yaba lagos"
    "createdAt": "2022-12-01T08:48:28.160",
    "completedAt": "2022-12-01T08:48:28.160",
    "lattitude": "9.081999",
    "comment": "Address is valid.",
    "agentSubmittedAt": "2022-12-01T08:48:28.160",
    "longitude": "8.675277",
    "photos": [
    "neighbor": {
      "isAvailable": false,
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "comment": "Nice neighbor",
      "phone": "080900000000"
    "status": {
      "status": "VERIFIED",
      "subStatus": "VERIFIED",
      "state": "COMPLETE"
    "city": "lagos",
    "street": "270 Murtala Muhammed Way, Alagomeji. Yaba",
    "lga": "surulere",
    "state": "lagos",
    "country": "Nigeria",
       "callBackUrl": ""

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